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Monday 8 September 2014

“A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called Immanuel (which means, ‘God with us’).” (Mt 1:23)

 “A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will be called Immanuel (which means, ‘God with us’).” (Mt 1:23)

Today’s Passage: Mt 1:1-16, 18-23
Meditation: Today is our holy mamma’s birthday. Therefore, let us together wish her a very happy birthday. How do we celebrate birthdays of our family members, relatives and friends? It is with singing, rejoicing, felicitating, cutting cake, and sumptuous dinner. Today we also celebrate our holy mamma’s birthday with great joy and happiness. Of course, bouquets to our holy mamma are made not flowers, but of prayers, virtues, charity and sacrifices. The main item of the birthday celebration is the sumptuous heavenly meal; the holy Eucharist. Don’t miss any of these today. It is very happy to know that many are nowadays preparing for this feast of nativity of Our Lady with eight days of prayer and fasting. Somebody was asking me the other day, why do we celebrate only the birthdays of mother Mary and St. John the Baptist, not of other saints? It is true that in the Catholic Church only two birthday celebrations  of the saints are there; one of John the Baptist and the second that of mother Mary. What is the reason behind it? All men are born with original sin and through the reception of baptism only they get forgiveness of both the original sin and all those sins he committed before the reception of baptism. One faithful is publically declared a saint only after his/her death which is the final moment of his witness to Jesus on earth. Therefore, we celebrate not the birthday of the saint for he is born of original sin, but the day of his death as a living souvenir of his fidelity until his/her death. Why then, the birthdays of mother Mary and John the Baptist? Both of them filled with the Holy Spirit from the very beginning, kept protected by god from all sins, played a great role in the life of Jesus and gave witness to him. St. John Maria Vianney will say ‘no saint has begun well, but all have finished well. Here we have two saints who began well and finished well. Of these two, we celebrate today the birthday of our Holy Mother Mary.                          
 Prayer:    Lord God, we thank you and praise you for your daily eternal bread. On this day of birthday celebration of mother Mary, we thank you for giving us a mother like Holy Mary. It is through her we understand that Christian life is really becoming Christ. Until death we are becoming Christ and Christians. A Christian’s death is the final point of one’s witness to Jesus. Therefore, Lord, give us your Holy Spirit in its fullness that we may be able to keep ourselves away from sin and lead a life of witness to you till the end of our life. Amen!  

Greetings:       Take courage! God is with you! Have a nice and blissful Monday…   

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