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Thursday 14 August 2014

“‘You worthless slave!’ He said. ‘I forgave you the whole amount you owed me, just because you asked me to... ’” (Mt 18: 19, 20)

 “‘You worthless slave!’ He said. ‘I forgave you the whole amount you owed me, just because you asked me to. You should have had mercy on your fellow-servant, just as I had mercy on you.’” (Mt 18: 32,33)

 Meditation:    Today’s word of the Lord surely prompts each and every listener or reader to judge the unforgiving servant so ruthlessly, for such was his ungrateful response to the graciousness of the king. What a gratuitous gift he had been granted as he was forgiven all his ten thousand talent debts. In the beginning, from Peter’s question and from the whole parable we get the impression that it is all about forgiving. But, I suspect this is also about our ingratitude in our daily lives. How we should lead a life of gratitude and thankfulness toward the grace of God. Man always, we know for sure, counts whatever he gives or shares with brethren, but forgets to count whatever he receives in his life. We remember well those people, moments we helped, but we are not sure of those people from we received a lot. Here goes the saying, “Man gets, gets, and forgets, whereas god gives, gives, and forgives.” The slave was getting and getting from the king and later he wanted his king forgive everything he ought to pay, but the slave was giving and giving and never wanted to forgive and forget. Therefore, this makes me think that through this parable the Lord wants me to be anointed not only for forgiving but also ‘for – giving’ myself graciously to others like St. Maximilian Kolbe who laid down his life for his friend.
Prayer:            Lord Jesus, we thank you and praise you for your daily eternal bread. Whenever we prove ourselves unchristian without leading a life of forgiving and gratitude come to our help with your Holy Spirit. On this day of the feast Maximilian Kolbe let us also acknowledge all the gifts and graces we received from you, O Lord,  through our brethren, and may be able to share whatever we received with our brethren.

Greetings:       Take courage God is with you! Have a nice and blissful day…                      

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