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Monday 29 December 2014

“He will be a sign from God which many people will speak against and so reveal their secret thoughts.” (Lk 2:35)

“He will be a sign from God which many people will speak against and so reveal their secret thoughts.” (Lk 2:35) 

 Today’s Passage: Lk 2:22-35
Meditation: Today’s meditation verse is the same as yesterday, which helped us to reflect on the Holy Family. However, we concentrate today on Simeon’s prophecy on Jesus Christ. How come a sign from God be a sign of contradiction? Signs and symbols are to lead to the reality and truth. Simeon says, “This child is chosen by God for the destruction and the salvation of many in Israel. He will be a sign from God which many people will speak against and so reveal their secret thoughts.” (Lk 2:34, 35)

What does it mean by this? I believe that it doesn’t mean that Jesus is contradicting in himself, but will be a “sign of contradiction” to all those contradict in themselves; to all those hypocrites. He will read their minds and reveal their thoughts. We see Jesus in the gospels reading the minds of people, e.g., Simon the Pharisee (Lk7:40), the disciples (Mk 9:33), Judas Iscariot (Jn 13:26) etc. For these people, he is a sign of contradiction because they will understand that their thoughts and words, also words and deeds do not go hand in hand.

After the genuine preparation and celebration of Christmas, do I feel that Jesus is a “sign of contradiction” to me? If yes, surely he is knocking at your door; “Listen! I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into his house and eat with him, he will eat with me.” (Rev 3:20) This is an invitation from the savior for you and for me. Let us take out the masks from our faces and ask our Lord to save us from all our hypocritical lives.

Everything is unveiled before him, our savior Jesus. The word of the Lord says, “Do not judge from his appearance or from his stature, because I have rejected him. Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.” (1Sam 16:7) Let us not be robbed of our Christmas joy and peace by our hypocrisies!  
Prayer: Lord God, we thank you and praise you for your daily eternal bread and especially for this season of Christmas. This is an occasion for us to give witness to you before our brethren. In order that our celebration be a fruitful one, we have to be ready for giving witness to Jesus. For this we need a sincere and authentic Christian life. Lord, give us your Holy Spirit and the courage to be honest in our words and deeds. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Greetings: God is with you! Have a nice and blissful Monday…

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